Code Switching Log

Mon Day 1 : I had to speak with a clear and concise voice to the receptionist at the gym. I had a question regarding my membership and had to switch the tone in my voice to seem more professional.

Tues Day 2 : My friends and I were hanging out and once my girlfriend arrived I began to speak quite differently in a more loving and sweet way rather than humorous slang with my friends. 

Wed Day 3 : I was at chipotle ordering food. I used polite words like “Excuse me” in order to have my order done quickly and correctly. 

Thurs Day 4 : One of the students I am not quite close to in my class was heading into Baruch alongside me. I spoke to them quite differently than how I would with my friends. I made sure to keep the conversation going and keep it very mature.

Fri Day 5 : I had a question regarding an issue I had with Blog@Baruch. I went to Baruch IT to get clarification and made sure to speak as professionally as I can with no slang.

Sat Day 6 : At work, I was taking orders at the register. I made sure to keep a smile on my face and stay positive the whole time. If the customer had any questions, I would carefully answer them the best that I can.

Sun Day 7 : After hanging out with my friends all day, I reached home to act in a completely different way in front of my parents. I did not have any humorous slang.

One thought on “Code Switching Log

  1. It’s like leading a double life sometimes, isn’t it? One minute you’re out with friends, and the next, you’re back home, and the dynamics change entirely.

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