Masters at the Met

This piece was interesting to me because it is very vibrant and all of the characters in the picture have a different look. The main components of the painting would be the various colors with a similar hue, and the art within the art.

This image was created by Red Grooms in 2002. This picture reminds me of a cartoon, one that would use stop motion to create a film. I think the intended use of this image was to show the variety of people in New York in terms of the styles, people, looks, interests, all sharing and found in a single space, in this case it would be the museum. I would say the intended audience is people from New York because they might see themselves in the picture and also to those outside of New York City so that they may be able to experience the diversity in a picture.

I really liked this picture because it was in an art style I haven’t seen before. I also liked seeing the difference in characters that the pictures portrays and might have taken inspiration from real people.

3 thoughts on “Masters at the Met

  1. One thing that really stood out to me was the man towards the right, where it looks like his head is backwards. It really makes me want to know and understand why the artist took that approach of surealism.

  2. I also find this artwork really interesting because of the many different people. I feel like the more you look into the image, the more different aspects you see.

  3. I also chose a color etching by Red Grooms because it was vibrant and colorful. As you said, his intended audience is for people in NYC just like the one I chose. I feel like you did a great job analyzing this image.

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