Field Analysis – Art

I chose this art piece because it encapsulates the history of African American art, featuring multiple artworks within a single composition. This piece intrigues me, as every time I walk from the elevator on the fourth floor and walk down the halls, always see these framed art pieces that vividly portray African American history. These art pieces encompass various themes, including but not limited to the Military, Civil Rights, Art, Education, Law, Science & Math, Business, Medicine, and more. Previously, I never had the opportunity to stop and appreciate these pieces, but today, I was able to. It not only illuminates the enduring struggle of slavery but also celebrates their rich culture.

It appears that Harriet Powers stands as a pioneering figure in this style of art, which prominently features religious themes in quilts. In addition, other notable people are mentioned in connection to this art form, such as Edmonia Lewis, Laura Wheeler Waring, Clementine Hunter, Lois Mailou Jones, Elizabeth Catlett, and Varnette P. Honeywood. Upon closer examination of the image, it becomes apparent that these artworks serve as illustrations depicting what appears to be life in Africa with representations of African animals. Furthermore, the art piece underscores the presence of Christianity, symbolized by the three crosses signifying the Crucifixion of Jesus, alongside those who stood by Him.

This art piece serves as an eye opener to me, offering a profound glimpse into the deep and rich history of African American art and the day-to-day struggles they faced. It also conveys a sense of hope for those who endured slavery. Born into slavery in Georgia, Harriet Powers’ quilts embody God’s power in terms of both salvation and liberation from slavery. It communicates the enduring faith in God’s ability to deliver them, regardless of the hardships they may face.

4 thoughts on “Field Analysis – Art

  1. I definitely agree with you that not many people take a moment to stop and look at these art pieces because everyone is just rushing to get to class. That’s besides the point though, I thought that each square that made up the quilt has a beautiful story behind it. Although I can see the full image I plan on checking it out and seeing the religious portion of it with the description you gave.

  2. I really enjoy how you analyzed this picture, and really made sure to point out that people should stop and pay attention to the things around them. I find it really fascinating that there’s so much symbolism being used to convey hope and gods power.

  3. At first glance, I probably wouldn’t like this piece because of all the writing. But then the context given is actually interesting and the art shown is definitely what would draw me in.

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