Analyzing GTA 5

GTA Online (video Games)

Move 1: 

One thing that makes this video game interesting is pretty much that you are in control of the lifestyle you live. You complete missions in order to make money that will help you to upgrade your character. The upgrades include; housing, cars, clothes etc…

Move 2:

In the game there is a lot of killing invloved. This leads us to notice the correlation with the horrors of the game and the behaviors of the player. In most cases there is no correlation but in others there are. We also question if the amount of effort put into the game correlates with the effort someone puts in life as they mature and stop playing the game.

Move 3:

There is a lot of repetition of killing in the game as well as doing missions to gain money. The one that stands out to me the most is the repetition of killing. What possesed someone to make a game that encourages these behaviors? Why is killing in the game such a fasicinating thing to do throughout the game?

Move 4 and 5

Can the behaviors of the game come true? For instance if someone continuously plays GTA, a well known violent game, will they become violent themselves? This also leads us to think about how people can play the game and kill in the game and then turn it off and continue with their lives? What makes this game so popular and why does it continue to be popular? There are so many questions that can be asked about the correlation of game violence and actual violence. 

Are video games actually rotten the minds of the youth or did society just make it a thing because some games are too violent. There is a reason why some games are for 13+ in ages

5 thoughts on “Analyzing GTA 5

  1. GTA 5 is 18+ rated. That won’t stop me and my homies though. Would GTA encourage violence to kids or would GTA attract violent kids? Both or neither?

  2. I think GTA 5 may be too violent for the youth because it has very explicit gameplay. I wonder if GTA 6 will be as explicit (if it ever comes out). Very good analysis though.

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