Media Analysis – Sassy Men Apocalypse

What is this “sassy men apocalypse”? A man who goes by the name Prayag on TikTok further fanned the flames for sassy men. He became popular for his openly sassy personality which many seem to relate to or even find attractive. He’s also popular for a dance in which he makes an L with both his hands and moves his arms side to side while rocking back and forth and for saying certain phrases such as “it’s the way you act”. On his page, you can see he’s been “sassy” for quite some time but it wasn’t until recently that he became popular throughout TikTok. He’s become somewhat of a TikTok icon influencing men to bring out their “sassiness”.

According to different articles, this trend of the “sassy men apocalypse” helps fight against toxic masculinity and helps men bear their emotions without shame. With Prayag at the top of this trend he has helped it to reach a larger pool of people. Especially, for men who like to put their emotions “on display” he’s making it easier for them to do so while receiving less backlash. Women are even starting to find sassiness as a trait in a man attractive. All I have to say is, it’s the way you act, it’s the way you act, it’s the way you act!! (If you don’t know look it up on TikTok)

5 thoughts on “Media Analysis – Sassy Men Apocalypse

  1. I think the sassiness is part of his concept for his content on TikTok, but I like how you mentioned that this trend is helping fight toxic masculinity. I also love how you ended your analysis. Iconic.

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