Analyzing CS:GO

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive is a 2012 multiplayer tactical first-person shooter developed by Valve and Hidden Path Entertainment. It is the fourth and most popular game in the Counter-Strike series. The premise. CS:GO features fast-paced and intense gameplay where two teams of 5, terrorists, and counter-terrorists, compete against each other in rounds. The terrorists attempt to complete objectives such as planting bombs, while the counter-terrorists aim to prevent these objectives or defuse bombs.

Move 1 (Suspending Judgement): There are many components that go into CS:GO like how players use the combination of skill-based gameplay, strategic depth, communication and items, to beat their opponents. However, the most interesting aspect is the communication between teams and strategies. If your team doesn’t have a good strategy or good communication, it would be extremely hard to surpass your opponents. There are many different strategies for different parts of the game. For example, there is a strategy to what guns you buy with your limited cash at the start of each round. Another example is the positioning of the team. You can decide how you split up your team to cover all parts of the map.

Move 2 (Defining Significant Parts): The significant parts of CS:GO are the variety of weapons, the items, maps, and the bomb. There is an array of weapons you can choose that would work in different scenarios and strategies. Along with weapons, you can also buy Kevlar and a helmet which gives you advantage because it gives you more health. In addition, you can also buy 4 different types of projectiles that can give you an edge on your opponents if used correctly. The options are a grenade, flash grenade which blinds the opponents for a brief time, a smoke grenade which can block the view of your opponents, and a Molotov cocktail which spreads fire over a radius which can help you and your team. The maps are also very important because each map is unique and comes with different strategies and gameplay. The most important part of the game is the bomb. On the attacking team (terrorists), your job is to take control of a bomb site and plant the bomb. Once you plant the bomb, you have to protect it from the counter-terrorists. Their job is to eliminate the terrorist team before they plant the bomb. If they manage to plant the bomb, they have to find a way to defuse the bomb before it explodes.

Move 3 (Patterns of Repetition): There are similarities and reptations in CS:GO. For example, there is the same goal for both teams in every round they play. In addition, a lot of the same strategies are by both teams if they are effective. However, with the combination of the use of gadgets and the different strategies used, it creates an unpredictable game where anything can happen.

Move 4 (Make the Implicit Explicit): The significant details of CS:GO show that it is a very multiplex game. It involves critical thinking in tense situations. It teaches you to expect the unexpected and act accordingly. It also teaches you communication skills, because if you are not precise when communicating, it could hurt your team. An implicit factor is being able to pick and chose when you use your items. You only get to use them once a round so you have to make sure when you use it, it will have some value.

Move 5 (Reformulating Questions and Explanations): A question that is frequently asked is what strategies are the best when playing. People ask this question because they most likely see a plethora of strategies used in game and can’t decide which one to use most frequently because they all seem effective.

3 thoughts on “Analyzing CS:GO

  1. I liked how descriptive and how deep you got describing the game making it clear for people who are not as familiar with the game. Also, how you explicitly used the four moves and gave strong statements supporting them.

  2. I think analysis would make it easy for someone who has never played the game to understand where you’re coming from. I never considered the idea of doing this assignment based on a game and glad you did it.

  3. The analysis that you made on CS:GO is great, and summarizes really the main points of the game. Really CS:GO can be sometimes like chess; there are many moving parts to it and one or a team needs to decide how they’ll play it out.

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