MSP Field Analysis: Moira Ann Smith Playground

In Madison Square Park, there are many memorials shown in many ways. If I were to classify the memorials in the park I would categorized them as plaques, statues, and areas. The most memorials are plaques which are mostly on benches and some on trees. There are a handful of statues of important figures like past presidents and congressmen. As far as memorial areas, there are some parks, lawns, and playgrounds names after people. The memorial I chose is a playground named after a 9/11 first responder, Moira Ann Smith.

Moira Ann Smith unfortunately passed away on 9/11 leaving behind her husband and two year old daughter. I found this memorial interesting because like all parents, she cared about her daughter over anything, so it is fitting that they named a playground after her. The main and only component of the memorial is the playground. There is a similarity to other memorial, in that a lot of them are first responders on 9/11. First responders are some of the most respected people in New York especially, so it makes sense why so many of them are honored. I am unsure when the park was commemorated to her. I can’t remember off the top of my head if I have ever seen a playground named after a first responder, but I have seen parks named after important figures. For example, near my house is McKinley park named after William McKinley. I think the intended audience are the parents and kids who go to the playground. I think it is more so the parents because they can understand Smith’s sacrifice more and empathize with it. I am not a member of the target audience but I was drawn to the memorial because I saw police officer on the top. I have a lot of cops in my family, including my dad and uncle who were also first responders, so I felt more inclined to look at it. I think the point of the memorial is to honor the sacrifice and bravery of not just Smith, but all of the first responders who lost their life on 9/11. The memorial can be read for the Aristotle element of pathos. A memorial tends to evokes sadness, which fits pathos. There are two different entrances to the playground which both have plaques honoring Smith on the gate. I think the memorial is successful in paying tribute to Smith because many people visit the playground everyday and become familiar with her story. My final thoughts are how long after 9/11 was this memorial made?

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