What Thanksgiving means to me

I think Thanksgiving is a good holiday even though it gets shadowed by other holidays. To me, it doesn’t make me feel any more grateful then any other day of the year. I shouldn’t be grateful just because it is a holiday, because you are not really grateful if you aren’t grateful the entire year. I relate to “Turn off Your Phone for Thanksgiving” because my family makes it a big point to not be anti-social and interact with you family. Whether we talk or play games, it is important for everyone to take part and phones can get in the way of that. I think “The First Thanksgiving” is an important article to read because it shows how many families aren’t lucky enough to spend time with their family, so we shouldn’t take it for granted.

To me, Thanksgiving means spending time with family which I enjoy a lot. In my family, there are 13 of us and I can have a good conversation with each and every one of them, so it means a lot to just talk and bond with them. I think Thanksgiving has a different meaning to everyone which is a good thing. Thanksgiving has changed over time for me because as I grow older, I appreciate the time spent with my family more. One tradition I would like to preserve is the fact that everyone in the family makes at least one dish every year. I don’t know if I would make any changes to the family traditions but I would not be opposed to it.

5 thoughts on “What Thanksgiving means to me

  1. I can agree with you because I also don’t feel like that day I am more grateful than any other day of the year. I love how they are so many of you in your family, the more the merrier!

  2. I’m on the same page as you despite not celebrating the holiday; spending quality time and socializing with family is important on any occasion.

  3. Even though I don’t celebrate Thanksgiving I agree that it’s important to spend time with family while bonding with them and thank them for what they have done.

  4. I can agree that by having to turn your phone off during Thanksgiving this allows you to be much more closer to family while also making new memories with them. if we are on our phones throughout this holiday, then there would be no meaning of thanksgiving.

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