What Does Thanksgiving Mean?

the holiday thanksgiving can mean a lot of things for people. The holiday can remind them of good things or bad things. Like for Most Native Americans, they probably don’t celebrate Thanksgiving because it brings back a horrible past in which Cristopher Columbus did terrible things to their ancestors (AKA the founders of America). For some people, it can be a day in which they get to see family that they haven’t seen in a long time and they can catch up and talk about anything that is on their mind. or maybe it can be a day in which your family begin to talk about your most embarrassing stories and what not and you just can’t take it anymore and go eat in your room. Thanksgiving can mean a lot of things for a lot of people, but we have the same thing in common when it comes to Thanksgiving. We can all eat as much as we want and no one can say anything about it.

in the NewYork Times article, it says that the meaning of Thanksgiving can be different for everyone but also the same in which at the end we are all trying to make it home in time to celebrate the holiday with our loved ones. Some people may have flight delays, or traffic jams trying to get to their loved ones home in time. “This week, Americans will endure flight delays, traffic jams and other logistical miseries to spend time with family and friends. And when the holiday weekend is ending, many will lament that they don’t get to spend enough time with those relatives and friends.” the article also states that the holiday is a day where funny, old, not so funny, and new memories can be brought up at the dinner table as a topic in which the family can talk about. “The Thanksgiving table can be an emotional battlefield. Whether because of resurfaced sibling rivalry, blended-family tensions or mealtime political debate, the togetherness that we hope will inspire gratitude is notorious for causing stress instead.”