Madison Square Park Memorial

This was one of the many pieces of memorials I resonated with. while my friends and I were looking for some monuments and status, I came across this bench that said, “In memory of our beloved Dorothy Rodham. Life is not about what happens to you but what you do with what happens to you.” I loved the message that this memorial said, in life, we do not usually get what we want and sometimes some individuals do not strive for the best and push themselves to their limits. I do not believe that we as individuals should be resinated by our failures in life but rather our success. the quality that made it a successful piece of memorial for me was that it reminded me of my grandfather. when I was 5 years old my grandfather would tell me certain life lessons that did not hit me until I was 14 years old. one of his main life lessons that he taught me was that we as individuals all have our problems but it depends on us on how we solve these issues. if we end up not solving them, this will end up hurting us in the future. this message allowed me to reflect on the past and think much in depth.
After I read this memorial I went home and did some research on this memorial and came across the fact that Dorothy Rodham was the mother of Hillary Clinton. She was born in Chicago and passed away on November 1st, 2011 in Washington D.C.

One thought on “Madison Square Park Memorial

  1. I can relate to you because my grandparents would always give me life lessons too and i did not knowing the meaning of them till i grew older.

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