What Does Thanksgiving Mean?

To me, Thanksgiving is a time of getting together with Family and spending time with one another. We use the time off to see family that we don’t see often, and to hang out with friends during our little time off from school. Generally, I feel grateful for this time as it is a time to destress, but it also saddens me to think of the origins of this holiday. I generally don’t say that I celebrate the holiday, but I use the time to celebrate the relationships that I build with my family and friends.

I do feel like this article does highlight some aspects of the struggles that many people face during Thanksgiving. I feel as if I can relate to the 2018 article “The First Thanksgiving” where Julia Moskin features stories of refugee families celebrating Thanksgiving for the first time. As I spent the holiday with many family members who were new to America and just being exposed to the culture, I was able to tell that it was weird for them and hard to conceptualize what we were celebrating at first.

2 thoughts on “What Does Thanksgiving Mean?

  1. I read the same article and while the idea of Thanksgiving is nice, like getting together with family, cooking together and overall showing how much we care for one another, I relate with you on the idea that it is a new experience for those outside of america.

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