Madison Square Park

There were many memorials at Madison Square Park. The one that caught my attention was the one on a bench by Ana that read, “Robert William, Will you marry me today and every day? I love you everlasting.” It was a very nice gesture and an amazing thing to see. I want to assume it was for an anniversary or maybe it was an actual proposal. I know it was done out of love but many people do not read it. Many people walk by it or just use the bench for sitting. As I walked by the park you can see people did not care about memorials and just went on with their day. It shows that many people go on with their lives without looking at the little things. I hope Ana and Robert are still together because it would be awkward to see the sign if they weren’t. Personally, I would like to get a memorial just like theirs.

3 thoughts on “Madison Square Park

  1. I also had the same experience of people just past the memorial I was observing and not really caring about it. Although, I can’t really blame them because I’ve been in the same position.

  2. I liked the line where you said “I hope Ana and Robert are still together because it would be awkward to see the sign if they weren’t.” Do you think they could request to remove the plaque if Robert rejected her proposal?

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