Personal Memorial of Yetmir

This memorial is based on my friend Yetmir who passed away 3 months ago. He was an amazing person even though I had never met him in person I had known him for 6 years online. I first met him on an online match of Fortnite back in 2018, at first we just played games together because we had no other friends to play with but as time passed we slowly became close friends. We would talk life troubles even though we were only 13 it still gave us something to connect about and of course playing Fortnite together was fun.

We worked on a Short novel was called “DreamWorld”, it was supposed to be about a 15-year-old kid who would get transferred to different worlds every time he had a dream. The main idea was to have the kid go on many adventures and learn dark/revealing things about life and the painful things people have to go through.

My hope is that someday I can finish this little novel in honor of Yetmir. Although I don’t think he’d appreciate me calling the novel little since he believed we would be great writers someday. He was always an optimistic person and I’m glad I was able to call him my friend.

7 thoughts on “Personal Memorial of Yetmir

  1. Keep this story going. Your friend would love to see how you take this novel and make it bigger and something that brings both of you together.

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