Proposed by: Jalissa, Amy, Elana, Karina, Alexa, Maya

Have you ever strolled through a park and taken notice of the various memorials scattered around? Many individuals remain oblivious to the fact that parks often house memorials dedicated to significant figures. While numerous memorials commemorate individuals who have left a positive impact on society, the question arises: should we memorialize those who, despite their historical importance, engaged in reprehensible actions such as slavery, rape, or corrupt abuse of power? Upon deliberation, my group  and I reached a consensus that eradicating statues of figures like James Madison in Madison square park, who played a pivotal role in crafting the Constitution which is a foundational document that continues to shape contemporary life may not be the ideal solution. Instead we want to add a statue to the park. Our vision involves creating a statue primarily dedicated to women worldwide, aiming to empower and bring joy to their lives. This sculpture would feature floral elements, symbolizing growth and beauty, surrounding a female figure representing the uniqueness inherent in every individual. Our objective is to foster inclusivity, as most existing statues predominantly depict men. By introducing diversity and offering a fresh perspective, this statue would contribute meaningful value to society and Madison Square parks cultural landscape.

As seen from most memorials in Madison Square Park its apparent that they often go unnoticed. People walk past all of the memorials staring down at the ground not caring to look up at  dedicated and emotional memorials around them. My group and I found ourselves among those group of individuals, oblivious to the memorials as we walked through the park. From a given assignment we were compelled to take notice of the memorials that surronded us at the park. We recognized people take attention to memorials that are most interactive which inspired our monument to be composed of mirrors inviting people to capture photos of their reflections. Many commemorated memorials were devoted to men and we wanted to create a memorial honoring women that represents growth and beauty. Our intention is for it to serve as a poignant reminder for women who have forgotten their value. 

Our solution is to create a memorial dedicated to every woman to show that they are important as well. We would like to build a memorial of a woman with who you can see your own reflection. There won’t be any specific features so that it can be interpreted as any woman. Around there will be a circle of flowers planted to bloom in the summer. There will be a plaque on the side dedicated to “you” all women of society. Every woman deserves equal representation. Visitors will interact by being engaged with the mirror aspect causing them to take pictures and provide exposure to our memorial

The memorial “Eternal Reflections: Women’s Tribute” is ultimately meant to give women empowerment and help them feel confident in their bodies. Women undergo many societal struggles daily and it is important to be reminded of how much they are appreciated and honored. The average single mother could be strolling by and interacting with the monument, feeling a wave of courage and empowerment. Women of any race, shape, size, or disability can feel appreciated for all that they do, even when their actions and efforts go unnoticed. This memorial is a constant reminder that all women are valued. 

Sample Pictures of the Eternal Reflections: Women’ Tribute: located in Cherry

5 thoughts on “MEMORIAL PROPOSAL

  1. I think this is a great idea, it’s a great way to shine a light on how powerful women are and is also something that I believe is important to memorialize.

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