
This semester I feel as though my writing is the same as that from my senior year of high school; sure there were improvements and changes but It was more or less nuanced. In general, my writing was still developing from my high school ideas and I was still adjusting to getting my writing to sound like more college material. In hindsight, my writing was building on the foundation of what I learned in high school and I tried to incorporate that into this year. One of my many goals for writing was to become more concise overall and make my evidence and analysis flow throughout my writing. I believe these goals were met since during the assignments I knew when to stop writing and to leave it as it is; furthermore, I made my evidence and analysis flow with my thesis.

One piece of writing I was proud of was the Literacy Narrative/Creative Nonfiction; I felt most connected with this assignment and really felt focused and determined to get it done. I remember writing about how a traditional board game called “Carrom” and expressed language in its form. My process for writing it was thinking back to my cultural norms and nostalgic memories which led to writing about it. Looking back at the assignment I could have written more and added more detail and overall I could have finessed it better.

One piece of writing that was a struggle for me was the rhetorical film analysis which proved to be difficult. Overall the length and analyzing the movie was hard since it was my first time doing it and I wasn’t really familiar with it. I was overthinking a lot and didn’t know which movie to choose since I had so many in mind. I decided to get help from the Baruch writing center and after booking an appointment one of the staff members was able to look at my draft and make revisions. She gave me a lot of ideas on how to fix my thesis and helped me choose a movie. I guess I overcame the challenge by asking for help at the right time. What strikes me now is how unorganized I was before and how I would overcomplicate the simplest of ideas/instructions. I feel like that has always been my biggest flaw in writing even in high school I would just complicate things instead of letting my writing just flow. Now I just have to think simple and form an organized outline before writing.

10/10 to describe my experience with this class, it was great.