Final Reflection

Throughout this semester, my writing evolved in a few ways. Usually, my writing is very sporadic, and it’s very hard to write effectively all the time. Having assignments due every week, allowed my writing to become more consistent. Throughout the projects, my formatting of the essays also got better dramatically. By using different writing methods, I was able to build off my best sentences and format my essays much better. I didn’t really have any goals for the semester as I didn’t know what to expect, but if my goal was to become a better writer I achieved that in every way.

One piece of writing I’m most proud of is my literacy narrative. It allowed me ti explore my religion and culture in ways I haven’t before, and helped me realize how far I’ve come since the beginning. At first, it was hard to discover how I became so literate in Hebrew but when I started my essay from my first Hebrew class years ago, I was able to delve into a much deeper hole and see how much I’ve accomplished.

One piece of writing that was difficult for me was the argumentation essay. The challenge was that at first look, the answer to the question posed seemed to be only a few sentences at the most not 6 pages worth. This made it very hard for me to know how to start my essay in a way where I could branch off into different areas. The way I overcame this was by reading all of the articles posted on Blackboard. After I saw the many possible memorials there are and the problems each of them face I was able to branch off my writing into those areas.

My final thoughts are that this class was the most surprising to me in the first semester compared to the rest. It allowed us to freely express our opinions in our everyday writing whether it was free writing or opinions based on issues supplied to us. Another great thing about the class was that all the little assignments we had each week did a great job of leading to the major essay that had to be written, which eased me since I had a lot of information on the subject of the essay before even being introduced to the essay.