What does it mean to serve your community?

With the title “Baruch scholar” comes immense responsibility. In a sense, I feel we are representing the entire school. As Baruch scholars we must manage our time efficiently, perform community service, join clubs, & meet and connect with as many people as possible.

The Honors Program requires all Baruch Scholars to engage in some sort of community service. I look forward to serving my community through the program because it will allow me to give back to the community that has always been there for me. This project has also given me the opportunity to interact and develop stronger communications skills.

Currently I engage in some community service during my free time. I deliver food packages every Monday & Thursday night through an organization called SBH (Sephardic Bikur Holim). This community service has shaped me and I feel great after doing it! Hopefully I am able to derive the same sense of pleasure from our community service project, and connect with my peers along the way.

As for clubs, I have not joined any thus far. I am still adjusting to our school, and doing my best in each class is currently my top priority. Once I feel more comfortable juggling large amounts of work, I will undoubtedly join a club & give back to my community.

Posted in Journal Entry Two | 25 Comments

Journal Entry #1

An experience that has shaped my life is an incident that occurred in the year 2003. My mother was hit by an inexperienced driver while crossing a 6 way street (Ocean Parkway) in Brooklyn NY. I thank g-d everyday that she was able to make a full recovery. Today my mother  is better then ever! Her strength and determination to defeat any obstacle that befuddles her or challenges her life (as this did) is something I admire and have incorporated into my own life.

As a college student I expect to be treated in a fashion that endows more responsibility upon myself and less of a feeling that teachers are babysitting me. With this hope comes some anxiety. How much harder will college be then high school? What do the teachers expect for the essay questions on their exams? What is the proper way to peruse the college reading which consists of over 200 pages every week?, etc.

During my next 4 years at Baruch, I hope to benefit from the academic rigor and the uniqueness of the courses offered by the Zicklin School of Business, major in business, and go on to start my own real estate firm. I look forward to having great fun with my classmates along the way.  I know Baruch will help prepare me for the dog eat dog world that awaits just outside the building!

Posted in Journal Entry One | 12 Comments

For iPhone Users

There is a great new app in the app store: ‘Blackboard Learn’.

Download the app, follow the set up directions, and you now have blackboard running on your iPhone. All announcements, homework assignments, etc. will appear.

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The Scream – Edvard Munch


The image painted by Edvard Munch depicts an agonized figure against a blood red sky. This painting has been the target of several high-profile art thefts.

Edvard Munch describes his inspiration for the image :

” I was walking along a path with two friends—the sun was setting—suddenly the sky turned blood red—I paused, feeling exhausted, and leaned on the fence—there was blood and tongues of fire above the blue-black fjord and the city—my friends walked on, and I stood there trembling with anxiety—and I sensed an infinite scream passing through nature. “

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