After another long day of traveling, we arrived home late on Thursday night. The weekend was spent doing laundry and raking and bagging the tons of leaves that fall this time of year (at least in Putnam County in New York State). We also spent most of the time trying to figure out what day it was!
At 4:30 am on Monday my alarm clock rang and I truly realized I was home. It’s great to be back at Baruch. As I walked into my office and looked at the piles on my desk, I remembered why I love this job — it’s never dull; it’s never boring; it’s always hectic, and it’s sometimes very frustrating. But I get to work with wonderful, supportive people … and I get to take fantastic trips!
Before I close this blog, I want to take this opportunity to thank all the wonderful people who helped make this trip so great…
–First of all – Zicklin’s Dean John Elliott and Executive Director of Graduate Programs, Frank Fletcher, for allowing me to take this trip.
— Second – the phenomenal staff of Zicklin’s Graduate Admissions office – who keep the office together and somehow always manage to get everything done.
— Third – all the wonderful people from SWUFE who took such good care of us all the time we were in Chengdu – and who introduced us to Hot Pot!
— Fourth – all the prospective Zicklin students I had the pleasure to speak with personally. Whether we spent an hour together talking about your goals and how Zicklin will help you reach them, or whether we spoke for a few minutes as you came up to Baruch’s table at the QS World MBA fair, all of you were a true inspiration.
–Fifth – all the wonderful, helpful people we met throughout our almost three week trip – from hotel clerks, busboys and concierges to wait staff, guides, taxi drivers and all the vendors in Beijing’s Silk Market 🙂 — the people of China, Taiwan and Hong Kong are always so gracious and so helpful.
— Finally – the numerous Zicklin students and faculty who graciously offered to be contacts for anyone I met on the road. Your contact information was handed out many, many times. A special Thank you for all the times you will be communicating with new, prospective students.
With this post, I will close the “Recruiting in Asia – 2011” blog. I have truly enjoyed sharing this adventure with you. For those I met in Asia, I hope that our conversations were helpful. Please feel free to contact me at any time with any questions. And … I hope to be able to greet at least some of you here at Baruch very soon.
Thank You — Fran Murphy