How Did I Choose My Major?

“Hey, Austin… Austin! Wake up! The computer parts are here,” my father exclaimed. It was the eve of my fourteenth birthday and I had been waiting days that felt like weeks for my computer parts to come. The computer was going to be a huge upgrade from the slow, outdated one I had as a hand-me-down from my brother. But there was a problem. How was I going to make it myself? Luckily, my father knew his way around computers and it was not a problem, but what would I do for my future kid if I didn’t know? I watched as he put together the parts like Lego pieces, placing them one by one in different slots with precision, making satisfying clicking noises as they were inserted. It was amazing to watch. Though this may seem like the incident that took my interest into technology, it wasn’t. I’ve always been interested and almost obsessed with technology, whether it be the new toys that came out when I was a child, to the video game consoles I got ahold of as a teenager. In today’s world, it seems as if technology is not just a part of our daily lives, but it consumes us. We see technology such as the computers, smartphones, the internet or even digital banking dominating most of our lives everyday. Take, for example the COVID-19 pandemic. Schools had temporarily shut down, brick and mortar stores closing due to a large decrease in foot traffic. How was that problem addressed? Classes were on Zoom, a popular video conferencing software and stores selling products online with delivery flourished. This strengthened my reliance and close relationship I had with technology and it showed me how important it is in our lives. Retaining this interest I had in technology, I knew I wanted to work in a field that deals with machines such as computers or the programs they can run. I wanted to apply this knowledge practically into the business field, which is why I chose my major as computer information systems. I hope it will bring me into a field that combines my everlasting interests in technology, with business in mind.