
Class XVI. MC’s Flow, the essay “Happiness Revisited” + New Reading

class 16. 4222013

Please read all of my notes carefully; please, as well, read last week’s notes in full. There are a few things due:  last week’s summary, this week’s summary, and you must read all of the excerpts from Flow. All will be attached, below and in previous posts. Make sure you are keeping up or there will be a quiz.

ENGL 2150 Class XVI. notes Happiness Revisited

Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi – Flow

(Here, make sure to read Ch.1, the essay entitled “Happiness Revisited”; as well, make sure, at the very least, then to read the section labeled “Enjoyment and  the Quality of Life” which goes from pgs. 52 to 76)


Class XIII + Albert Camus and The Myth of Sisyphus

ENGL 2150. class XIII Notes on Camus and The Myth o Sisyphus

ENGL 2150 summary exp and creative handout. 2013

As we switch gears and go into creative and/or expository summary modums (please read the handout care/fully), make sure you are actively reading, annotating, and engaging these next few texts, creatively and critically. No question should go unwritten or unasked. As well, find the new yet same reading attached, below.

Albert Camus – The Myth of Sisyphus

(This time, read from the Preface to the end of the essay, “An Absurd Reasoning”.)