Photo by Jerry Speier

An estimated 70 million people bowl at least once a year in the U.S.—but almost none as well as Baruch alumna and director of the College’s Office of Alumni Relations Lisa Poullard-Burton (’90). Poullard-Burton won the 2010 New York City Women’s Bowling Association Ladies’ title for “All Events with Handicap Division.” She explains, “I bowled best individually in all events—doubles, singles, and team—for a total of nine games’ combined score with handicap.”

In the late 1980s, Poullard-Burton began bowling for fun on Friday nights with a group of college friends. “At first I couldn’t even keep the bowling ball on the lane,” she laughs.

Those bowling outings continued until graduation, when the friends went their separate ways. Years later one of the former Friday night bowlers, Christine Hudnell (’86), suggested Lisa return to the sport for fun and to reduce stress. “Although a novice, with Christine’s encouragement, I joined a league team,” says Poullard-Burton.

Photo by Jeffrey Danowitz

Lisa is proud of the progress she has made. “If the Friday night bowling crew could see me now, carrying a current average of 194 with a thus-far lifetime high average of 206,” she says. Her bowling quest continues, however: she’s still seeking that elusive perfect 300 game. “Although I’ve bowled 11 strikes in a game, I can’t seem to get that twelfth,” she says. We’re betting that a perfect score won’t elude her much longer.*

—Diane Harrigan

*BCAM won that bet. Lisa bowled a perfect game on Dec. 11, 2010. Congratulations, Lisa!