The Baruch College community was saddened by the passing of LEONARD MARKS (’62). Renowned entertainment lawyer and environmental and political activist, Marks was instrumental in developing Baruch’s Center for Equality, Pluralism, and Policy in the School of Public Affairs. Marks, who was 69 years old, died on Apr. 30.

By all accounts, his was an impressive career. After graduating from Yale with a law degree, Marks worked as a federal prosecutor, an assistant U.S. attorney, and a Watergate consultant. He practiced general law with Paul Weiss Associates and then co-founded the law firm Gold, Farrell & Marks in 1970. Even though his client list included such celebrities as Madonna, Paul McCartney, and Eddie Murphy, Marks was proudest of his pro bono work. In later years, he focused on interfaith education and cross-cultural conflict resolution. With characteristic humility, he explained, “We are all responsible for the world we live in.”

“Leonard Marks’s championship of projects that foster the prospect for improved human coexistence led directly to the creation of what is now the Center for Equality, Pluralism, and Policy,” said Public Affairs Dean David Birdsell. “True to his vision, the center explores the myriad ways in which U.S. policy works to involve or exclude America’s many communities and develops solutions to improve integration and responsiveness. We are grateful for Leonard’s support and remain inspired by his example.”

Marks’s daughter Amy Marks-McGee, also a Baruch grad, having earned an MBA in 2002, said her father “was a unique, generous, witty man who wanted to make the world a better place for all children and future generations.” She hopes his contribution to Baruch will continue his legacy. Marks provided for the Center for Equality, Pluralism, and Policy in his will.

Leave a Legacy Mr. Marks included Baruch College in his estate planning, and his legacy will continue at the College he loved. Please consider including Baruch College in your estate planning. Your support secures the Baruch experience for future generations of students and creates lasting opportunities at your alma mater.

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