The 17 Lex building may no longer be a student hub, but its very address speaks to what makes Baruch great.

I’ve always seen Lexington Avenue as sort of “trans-island” avenue: It runs all the way from Harlem to Gramercy Park. In that sense, Lexington Avenue represents all sorts of people and all sorts of lives.

Baruch College is like that too: One of the great things about Baruch is that it is made up of all sorts of people—unique, each with a special story to tell.

My comic Lexington Avenue is my attempt to capture that connection between people. 

A current journalism major, Jones is the creator of the Ticker comic Lexington Avenue, which has been running in the student newspaper since October 2010. “I have no plans to stop drawing it before I graduate,” Jones says happily.

What are Simon’s career plans? “Political cartooning and mainstream journalism are both really great options, and I see myself doing both. My dream career is to write and draw a syndicated comic strip.”