Abraham Briloff, an alumnus and the Emanuel Saxe Distinguished Professor (Emeritus) of Accountancy. The 95-year-old joined Baruch’s accountancy department in 1944.

More from Briloff Birthday Bash 2012


Friends and Alumni Sing Abe’s Praises


“He is a dear, wonderful, loving man.”

—Harry Belafonte






“His is a lifetime of remarkable achievement.”

—Dr. Mitchel B. Wallerstein, Baruch College president




“When I write the word ‘integrity,’ I write Professor Briloff’s name next to it [as exemplifying that virtue]. . . . Your work will continue far into the future.”

—Bert Mitchell (’63, MBA ’68, LLD [Hon.] ’88)





“When my students tell me what an impact I have had on their lives, I see that influence as the legacy of Professor Briloff. It was a responsibility and an honor to be one of his students.”

—Nathan Slavin (MBA ’71, MBA ’76, PhD ’80), chair of the accountancy department at Hofstra University




“Briloff was described as a man who could move the stock market. . . . What he espoused, I’ve seen come back and back. He was able to see the future…. Briloff still has this impact.”

—Irene Douma (PhD ’82), professor of accounting, law, and taxation at Montclair State University





Abe Has His Say, or “Who Writes His Material?”
The professor with (from left) daughter Alice Ebenstein, granddaughter Julie Ebenstein, and daughter Leonore Briloff.

When Briloff was handed the special plaque created to commemorate the occasion and his place in the pantheon of Baruch legends, he said: “It’s a heavy burden.”

When Briloff thanked friend and famed singer Harry Belafonte for leading the “Happy Birthday” chorus, Briloff said, “It reminds me of that day in 1963—Marilyn Monroe’s singing ‘Happy Birthday’ to President Kennedy.” Then Belafonte called out: “She couldn’t make it, Abe.” Briloff’s response: “Tell me where Marilyn is, and we’ll go.”

In thanking the event organizers, especially for choosing the afternoon to celebrate, Briloff said: “You knew that if you give Abe Briloff a venue at lunchtime you’ll have to provide dinner too.”

Briloff, in response to the use of sparkling apple cider for his birthday toast: “I look forward to the day when I’ll be old enough to drink alcohol.”

Professor Briloff may be a legend, but his legacy is still evolving. He, along with his former student and party attendee Bert Mitchell, was cited as among The Journal of Accountancy’s “125 People of Impact in Accounting” in its June 2012 issue. More at http://www.journalofaccountancy.com/Issues/2012/Jun/20124960

Photos by Jerry Speier