Caitlin Hannon

Margaret Ceccarelli works at Create Advertising, a movie-trailer editing company. Previously she was associate producer of the OWN TV show Extraordinary Acts of Courage. Caitlin Hannon was elected to the Indianapolis Public School (IPS) Board as a commissioner last fall, winning with over two-thirds of the vote. Community activists favoring school reform rallied around Hannon during the campaign, helping raise over $70,000. She is a former IPS teacher. Maryann McKenzie (EMPA) was appointed deputy to the university dean, Office of Recruitment and Diversity, CUNY. Varun Vummidi (MBA) is the new CEO of gifting venture Giftology, which developed a Facebook application that allows users to send gift vouchers to their friends.


Dennis Kostkyy (MS ’12) has joined the tax services practice of Ernst & Young’s financial services office. Linda Green (EMPA) was promoted to chief administrative officer of the Division of School Facilities at the Department of Education. Sheena Neal (MPA) is currently assistant director at NYU’s Wagner School, Career Services office.


Dimitre Boyukliev is the owner of the recently-opened Tiny’s Diner, on Riverdale Ave. in the Bronx. The ’50s retro-style establishment is named for its 6-foot, 6-inch, 360-pound proprietor. Andy Chu, currently employed at Citigroup, joined UBELONG Volunteer Abroad in Capetown, South Africa, specifically working in physical education.