Murray-WeinsteinThe College was saddened by the passing of Murray Weinstein (’35) on Aug. 7, 2013. At 102, Mr. Weinstein was believed to be Baruch’s oldest living alumnus. The New York City native is survived by his wife of 74 years, Baruch alumna Adele (Chernev) Weinstein (’36); sons Mark and Roy (’64); five grandchildren; and two great-grandchildren.

Twice the Weinsteins shared the story of their lives with the alumni magazine. In 2006 they recounted their romance, circa 1938: they met not at Baruch (then City College Downtown)—he was a night student and she attended in the day—but years later at the wedding of friends. “It must have been love at first sight for us, because after that we never saw anyone else,” said Adele. Interviewed on the occasion of his 100th birthday, Murray (who attributed his longevity to “a wonderful marriage and good genes”) happily recalled their years together as business partners: the husband-and-wife accountants “shared a home office—my desk on one side of the room, hers on the other.” The Weinsteins retired 38 years ago and moved to Los Angeles.

Harriet (Fuchs) Chused ’34
Oscar M. Lavinsky ’34
Edward H. Lyman ’34
Rose E. Gogol ’36
*Sanders A. Chaise ’38
Harry S. Auerbach ’39
David Ehrlich ’39
Norman Buchbinder ’40
Eugene I. Boyo ’41
Mary T. (Matarese) Lewis ’41
Nicholas Raho ’41
Albert A. Seedman ’41, MBA ’62
Theodore J. Hritzay ’42
Abraham Werner ’42
Evans T. Dadison ’43
Richard H. Krakaur ’43
Shirley (Greifer) Rudney ’43
Martin Schapiro ’43
James L. Schatz ’43
Murray Barbash ’46
Harold M. Scholl ’46
Irving Corwin ’47
Robert Manowitz ’47
Irwin I. Baskind ’48
Gerald L. Ceppos ’48
*Oscar S. London ’48
Herbert Rosenstein ’48
Norman Schenker ’48
Clement J. Bloch ’49
Irwin H. Cohen ’49
Anita (Cohen) Mellow ’49
Charles Shafran ’49
Ralph Steinman ’49
Melvin D. Tubis ’49
Marvin W. Polinsky ’50
Henry G. Gurman ’51
John Sidney ’51
Leroy G. Weatherhead ’51
Gonzalo A. Agosto ’52
Evelyn (Fox) Friedman ’52
Madelyn Ann Cuba Halpern ’52
Jeffrey J. Jonides ’52
Donald P. Merz ’52
Martin J. Dreyer ’53
Simeon Golar ’53
David Birkenfeld ’54
James C. Apicella ’55
Arnold J. Lakind ’55
Joel B. Zweibel ’55
Ethridge C. Gibson ’56
Michael Korek MBA ’56
Herbert Lieberman ’56
Irwin Sparr ’57
Norman J. Goldman ’58
Martin J. McGrath ’58
Irwin L. Goldstein ’59
Stephen R. Flaks ’61
Herbert G. Heller ’61
Gerson J. Rapfogel ’62
Johannes F. Spreen ’65
Gerald Tangeman MBA ’65
Edward S. Gowski ’66
Anne P. Ryan MPA ’68
Arthur Dunkin MBA ’69
Amelia C. Jaskulski ’69
Alvin Joshua ’69
John G. Kosman ’72, MBA ’81
John M. Linguiti ’74
John S. Sedlak ’74
William Czwil ’75
Joseph A. Lake ’75
Roger A. Cantoni ’78
James A. Ganzy ’78
Gary Giraud ’79
Gloria R. Lucas ’81
William G. Weissenberger MBA ’81
William T. White ’81
Donna L. Brightly ’82
Andrew Ngai ’82
Felix A. Berenguer ’83
Kalliopi E. Ladon ’83
Kimberlee J. Keller ’98
Nubia S. Fernandez ’03
Eric J. Musumeci MS ’07
Laurence B. Smith ’10

*Benchmark Society member

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