Alumnus Joel Zolondek

Why did you choose Baruch?
I originally planned to study at the University of Pennsylvania, but when my father died, our family’s financial resources became limited. Fortunately, the Baruch School had a legendary public accounting program and was just a subway ride from our home in Brooklyn.

What’s your fondest Baruch memory?
My fondest memories are of classes with top professors Emanuel Saxe, Samuel A. Dyckman (’41), and Abraham J. Briloff (’37, MS ’41). These educators were at the pinnThe Beatlesacle of the accounting and tax world.

Favorite extracurricular activity?
I was very active in my fraternity, Tau Delta Phi. Intramural fraternity basketball was especially important to me, and our team won the championship in my junior year!

How did Baruch impact your career?
The accounting professors were demanding, and succeeding in their classes meant that you could succeed in any environment. With this background, I started my own CPA firm when I was only 27 years old and took it from a sole proprietorship to a 50-person, seven-partner firm with international affiliations.

What’s your favorite cultural landmark from the era?
The Beatles came on the scene globally in 1963, and when they arrived at Kennedy Airport to sing on The Ed Sullivan Show in February 1964, I was there to see them step off the airplane.

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