Alumnus Burton Mitchell

Why did you choose Baruch?
My father went to Baruch [“City College Downtown”] and so did my sister. I was planning on studying accounting. I never considered another alternative.

How did Baruch impact your life and career?
Baruch gave me a business background that allowed me to excel in law school and for my entire professional career.

What’s your fondest Baruch memory?

Dean of Transportation Tony Ermilio
Anthony “Tony” Ermilio, longtime elevator operator, receives an “Honorary Doctor of Transportation” degree from students in 1976.

I remember climbing the stairs between classes to make it to the next one on time. I remember riding the elevator with an elevator operator [Anthony “Tony” Ermilio] telling jokes.

Did you have a favorite extracurricular activity?
Yes, I worked when I wasn’t in class.

What was NYC like during your college years?
That’s a real good question. The city was run-down but always had Broadway and the hustle and bustle— the excitement. I was at Baruch from 1970 to 1974, so I caught the tail end of the Vietnam War. There were protest demonstrations on Lexington outside the school; there were even bomb scares. And, there was great rock music.

Ticket Stub

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