Writing 2150t: Spring 2021


***UPDATE: 5/10: Unit 5 (Assignments: 5/10-5/18)***
***UPDATE: 5/3: Unit 5 (Assignments: 5/3-5/7)***
***UPDATE: 4/30: Unit 4 (MA 2: Draft 2 Feedback)***

Hello all,

I have left comments and feedback in your Google Docs for Draft 2 of the Argument Essay. Please review them and let me know if you have questions by replying to the comments I left in your document. You can also sign up for an individual conference by using the form on the assignments page.

***UPDATE: 4/26: Unit 5 (Assignments: 4/26-4/30)***
***UPDATE: 4/23: Unit 4 (Schedule Change: SEE BELOW)***

Hello all,

I hope you are all as well as can be.

I would like to spend more time reading your second drafts so that I can provide quality feedback for each of you. That said, I have changed the due date for the final draft to Friday, May 14th. On Monday, April 26th, I will be posting a recorded class that explains more about this change as well as the project tasks that are upcoming. In the meantime, if you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to email me or post them as comments on the website.

***UPDATE: 4/19: Unit 4 (Assignments: 4/19-4/23)***
***UPDATE: 4/12: Unit 4 (Assignments: 4/12-4/16)***
***UPDATE: 4/2: Unit 4 (Assignments: 4/5-4/9)***
***UPDATE: 3/29: Unit 4 (Major Assignment #2)***
***UPDATE: 3/23: Unit 3 (Major Assignment 1: Final Draft)***
***UPDATE: 3/17: Unit 3 (Group/Individual Conferences)***
***UPDATE: 3/15: Unit 3 (Posting Draft 2)***
***UPDATE: 3/11: Unit 3 (Posting Draft 1)***
***UPDATE: 3/4: Unit 3 (Summary, Paraphrase, Quote)***
***UPDATE: 3/2: Unit 3 (Major Assignment #1)***
***UPDATE: 2/25: Unit 2 (Choosing a Topic)***
***UPDATE: 2/18: Unit 2 (Revising Attitudes, Group Conferences)***
***UPDATE: 2/16: Unit 2 (Audience, Purpose, Genre)***
***UPDATE: 2/11: Unit 1 (Major Assignment 3: Group Project Intro)***
***UPDATE: 2/9: Unit 1 (Blogs@Baruch, Class Profiles)***
***UPDATE: 2/4: Unit 1 (Writing Sample)***
***UPDATE: 2/2: Resources (Zoom Recordings, Class Slides)***
***UPDATE: 1/29: Unit 1 (Start Here, Zoom Guide)***