Before 2020, almost every student had dreamed about staying home all the time, instead of going to school, work, etc. Surprisingly, this dream had come true by the year 2020. Everyone was trapped at home, they could play video games, watch TV shows, spend time with their families, etc. They could do everything that they couldn’t do before the pandemic; everyone was having fun. However, most people didn’t realize the hidden crisis behind this special time period.
Statement of Problem:
Around 16 years after the outbreak of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) in 2003, another highly pathogenic coronavirus, the coronavirus disease 2019(COVID-19), emerged in mid-december, 2019, in Wuhan, Hubei province, China. The disease spread rapidly across all the Chinese provinces in a few days, and then spread to worldword in a unimaginable speed. As a result of COVID-19, higher education has moved to deliver courses online since Spring 2020. To reduce transmission of the COVID-19, several countries established measures on infection prevention and control by limiting contact between people, quarantine in the other words. Higher education communities aimed to slow the spread of the virus by protecting vulnerable students, staff, and faculty and to help ensure a safe and healthy learning environment. Many college campuses and universities transitioned to remote learning where classes were held online. However, many studies had found that quarantine had severe impacts on students’ mental health state, and it also hinder students’ studying ability by stress.
Thesis statement:
Quarantine has negative impacts on students. It brought severe impacts on students’ mental health state, which would hinder students’ studying abilities by expose them under stress.
Subargument 1:
Quarantine bought severe impacts on students’ mental health state.
Support 1:
Unlike individual level traumatic events, the COVID-19 outbreak has been a continuing crisis for every member of society. It is well known that stressful events such as natural disaters and man-made traumas can have a significant mental health impact and can result in conditions such as posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and depression. (Kopala-Sibley et al., 2016; Plexousakis et al., 2019; Schwartz et al., 2019)
Support 2:
Quarantine has shorten the sleeping duration for students. According to the research conducted by Wanjie Tang, et al. The prevalence of probable PTSD and depression was determinded to be 2.7% and 9.0%. Sleep durations per night since the outbreak of the COVID-19 were as follows:<6 hours (n=67,2.7%), 6-7 hours (n=134, 5.4%) 7-8 hours (n=822, 33.1%), 8-9 hours (n=700, 28.2%), 9-10 hours (n=601, 24.2%) and >10 hours (n=161, 6.5%). ( Wanjie, Tang, et al.)
Support 3:
Quarantine had cut out almost all of the regular communication between people. Lack of regular communication caused an increase in anxiety levels of teenagers and stress which can be counteracted by regular exercise and keeping the mind and body healthy. Most of the people quarantined / home isolated, had a fear of being attacked by the virus and an anxiety of being socially wiped out. (Gurumurthy, K, et al. 2020)
Subargument 2:
Students have difficulty with studying under stress.
Support 1:
In 2009, Lars Schwabe, Oliver T. Wolf. conducted a research on Forty-eight healthy young men and women recruited at the Ruhr-University Bochum, they were given memory tests that required them to write down the words that they had listened in the recording that they had heard. Participants were divided into two groups, one group that were told that they need to memorize as much words as possible in advance, in other words, group with stress and another group were not. The result of this study profound memory impairment in participants that were stressed during learning. Learning under stress reduced both free recall and recognition performance by more than 30%(Lars Schwabe, Oliver T. Wolf. 2009)
Support 2:
Students are at a very critical stage of development, and they must no only have to face major changes in their own physiology, psychology, and external environment, but also bear more burdens of school work and pressure of going to higher level education institution. However, continuous excessive study pressure will put students in a high degree of stress. As a result, it will leads to severe problems on students physical and mental health.
Support 3:
Excessive study pressure and the failure of students to find a reasonable way of venting will directly lead to psychological problems. Learning is a gradual process. If students are under too much psychological pressure, they will have a rebellious mentality in learning, and will have a sense of disgust towards learning, which will directly lead to serious problems in students’ learning and stagnation. Such a vicious circle will make students have a very bad mental state, they will not find a way to solve the problem, and they will not be able to do anything well, which will make them feel deeply frustrated. (Qiaoyan Huang, 2019)
Subargument 3: Personal experience of remote learning and stress of quarantine.
Support 1:
Many firms that used to provide scholarship to college students and the US government had cut down their budgets on students’ aid. For example, TAP ( Tuition Assistance Program), a aid program that helps New York State residents going to college with their tuition, had delay my Academic Excellence Award for 2019-2020 school year. Therefore, I have to hold a part-time job which I have to work at least 48 hours per week to cover my rent and basic living expenses in New York City area. This part time job takes over more than half of the time that I used to spend on my study before the quarantine, which leads me to decrease my work quality in order to turn in assignments on time, or even miss my deadlines.
Support 2:
Quarantine leads to obesity which might have severe impacts on students physical health. Quarantine make people to be lazy that people are trying not to be engaged with activities. As a result, students do not continue with their daily exercise or work-out routine, which will lead to heart disease—even for people who have no other risk factors. It can also increase the likelihood of developing other heart disease risk factors, including obesity, high blood pressure, high blood cholesterol, and type 2 diabetes. According to the research that I had done, 48 out of 50 students had reported that they had gained weights during the quarantine, and 33 students gained more than 10% of their original weight, 23 students gained more than 15% of their original weight, and 16 students gained more than 20% of their original weight.
Support 3:
Quarantine hinder students’ studying abilities by distraction and social media addiction. Since students had moved from school to their home which are fulled with various distractions or other factors that make them unable to focus on their study, such as family members, chores, noises, etc. Based on my primary research, 50 out of 50 students reported that they were having some difficulties with focusing on their study at their home. Also, more than 93% of respondents have spend at least 2 hours more on social media during the quarantine than before. As a result, students would not be able to spend the same amount of time on their study, which will leads to a decline on their grades.
Quarantine broughts severe impacts on students mental health state, it changes students sleeping pattern and escalarate students’ anxiety level which might leads to PTSD. Also, studying under stress will have negative impacts on students studying abilities, and excessive studying stress might lead to both psychological and physical problems on students. Since quarantine has many severe impacts on students’ mental, physical health and studying abilities, we should try our best and united all of us together to stop the spread of the COVID-19 virus and make everything back to normal for students benefits.
Aguilera-Hermida, A. (2020, September 09). College students’ use and acceptance of emergency online learning due To covid-19. Retrieved March 14, 2021, from https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S266637402030011X
Huang, Q. (2019, July). 学习压力对初中生心理健康的影响. 爱学术. https://www.ixueshu.com/document/90e2dbb65f479b6233c6a6c41b4c92b7318947a18e7f9386.html.
Gurumurthy, K., Priya, V., Don, K., & Gayathri, R. (2020, December 01). Knowledge and awareness on the mental health of students during the quarantine period. Retrieved March 21, 2021, from https://www.ejmcm.com/article_3293.html
Schwabe, L., & Wolf, O. T. (2009, September 29). Learning under stress impairs memory formation. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1074742709001993.
Wanjie Tang, Tao Hu, Baodi Hu, CHunhan Jin, Gang Wang, Chao Xie, Sen Chen, Jiuping Xu. (2020, September 01). Prevalence and correlates of PTSD and depressive symtons one month after the outbreak of the COVID-19 epidemic in a sample of home-quarantined Chinese university students. Retrieved April 18, 2021, from https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S016503272030879X