Writing 2150t: Spring 2021



Welcome to your first Blogs@Baruch tutorial! We’ll use this platform for a variety of assignments, projects, and tasks this semester, so it’s a good idea to play around with it so that you can feel more comfortable with some of the features. However, don’t let yourself get too overwhelmed with the different options (there are many) because you’ll really only need to know a few of the functions to complete the course assignments. Furthermore, I will always provide a live lesson as well as a lesson on the course website whenever I introduce one of the functions that we’ll use in class. In order to help you get acclimated to using some of the basic features, please complete the following two assignments:

Update your Blogs@Baruch Profile (DUE: before class on 2/11)

In order to complete this assignment, please follow the directions below. You can also use the recording from Tuesday’s class (2/9) to help you.

    1. Login to blogs.baruch.cuny.edu with your email username and password (email me if you can’t get in).
    2. Click on “My Profile” and then “Edit.”
    3. Double check that the Display Name is the name you want to be called in the course.
    4. Add some writing to your “Academic Interests” section. 
    5. Save the changes and then add a Profile Photo (click “Change Profile Photo” and follow the instructions).

Create a Post on our Course Website (DUE: before class on 2/11)

In order to complete this assignment, please follow the directions below. You can also use the recording from Tuesday’s class (2/9) to help you.

    1. Click on My Sites and double check that our class, (Writing 2150t: Spring 2021), is listed. If it isn’t, email me to add you to it.
    2. Click on the site title (Writing 2150t: Spring 2021) to enter the site.
    3. Hover your cursor over the “+ New” and select Post.
    4. Write your Post and title it with your name.
    5. Write an introduction to yourself.
    6. Use the Block Editor (what you use to build your post) to Incorporate an image into your post.
    7. Give your post a “Category” along the right side. Check the category “Class Profiles” and uncheck any other categories.
    8. Publish your Post.
    9. Place the URL to your Post here in the Comments section of this page. If you were unable to publish a post and copy and paste a URL for it, please tell me why in the comments.
    10. For more information about building a WordPress post with the Block Editor, check out this video introduction: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BkQlTuJ4BH8
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