Now that we’ve covered the fundamentals of writing, I’d like to see what you think about these concepts–specifically what revision means to you. This assignment will ask you to complete two short tasks. It should not take you more than 1 or 2 hours to complete. Please follow the instructions below and feel free to use our class slides if you need to. This task is due before class on Tuesday, 2/23.
Assignment Instructions
- Before you read the article, leave a comment below that explains how you feel about revision. Please be honest. I won’t be offended by anything you say.
- Now, read the article (link below) once or twice. It’s always a good idea to take notes about anything that stands out to you.
- After you read the article, (and are confident that you understand the main ideas), reply to your original comment and share one or two big takeaways (aha moments) you had while reading. Has your attitude changed at all? If so, how? If not, why?
First, leave a comment below that explains how you feel about revision.
Then, reply to your original comment and share one or two big takeaways (aha moments) you had while reading the article.
I think revision can help my writing significantly. A good tip for me is that I always try to leave my computer and my writing for hours after my first draft. When I come back, I might have some different perspective and ideas when I revise my writing. Revision could be helpful if you know where you should fix. Ask yourself questions could also be a good strategy because first draft is never perfect.
After reading the article, the fist takeaway is we need to have a good attitudes toward revision because some people think it is time-consuming and unnecessary. A good attitude means we want to improve by listening to people’s feedbacks and we will take actions to delve deeper about our writing. We would like to make our writings better by editing over and over again with a reason. Revision is not just a one time effort, it is a process that needs us to focus and rationalize our thinkings. The second takeaway is the step by step approach. It is helpful when we run out of ideas and don’t know what to fix. With this approach, we summarize and reflect on our writing, which can better help us with how to make adjustments. I think my attitude doesn’t change a lot because I believe that revision could be a very helpful way to help my writing when I want to make my writing better.
I think revisions are a critical part of the writing process for me. The reason why is because I usually like to write all my ideas down when I have them because I am afraid I would forget the information. Revisions for me are a way for me to reread what I wrote and fix up anything that unclear. Also, I revisit my work after taking a break, which helps me refresh my brain and fix up problems I did not see before.
After reading through the article, I realize some key points about revisions. The first is don’t focus on the surface error because no one likes to focus on their own mistakes. Everyone makes mistakes and that just part of human nature. Also, revisions don’t take away from the creativity of the writer, when done right and when done right it can be more efficient. Revisions can take time, but when you learn to like them, it will improve what you have written. Always remember that feedback is important to revisions, but the writer makes the final decision to consider the feedback. The most important thing about revision is not to reject it, a try would never hurt anyone. My attitude toward revision has not changed much. I have always known revision can improve my writing. Revision for me is a way for me to look back on my writing, to make changes as needed. Since sometimes have more ideas to add-in.
Revision in my opinion is critical when it comes to writing a “well not perfect but great” essay. Once, I messed up during revision because I thought my essay was past the point of redemption and scrapped it entirely last second. Which then I completely wrote a new essay out of thin air and who would have guessed it was worse. That was probably a one out of a hundred to even happen but revisions have made my other essays way better.
After reading the article, I would say my understanding of revision is slightly higher but again, this feels more like a informative read more than a motivational one. I would say it can give you tips to study but just personally to me does not motivate to revision. I will still do it though, you do not have to worry about that.
Revision plays a significant role in my writing process because I struggle with putting my ideas clearly on the paper. I tend to use mostly the looping process for my writing where I would wahtever is on my mind about a topic for a certain amount of time. And then revise what I wrote to understand how I think about the topic. Then, I repeat the freewriting process 3-5 times. This is write my first draft. And then, I just revise and edit, remove and/or add ideas on my paper until I’m satisfied with what I have.
I still agree with my idea of revision after reading the article. However, the article has led me to realize that revision is utilized in our life way more frequently than we realize. And we revise even without realizing that we are sometimes.
I think that revision is a way of constantly revising one’s own papers. Although it is difficult for me, I think it is necessary for writing. At the beginning, because my ideas were not clear, I couldn’t write articles that satisfied me. In the revised edition, I can consider my own article, including what I want and how I should write it.
After reading this article, I think its sentence “In writing and revision, attitude is everything.” is quite correct. If you think that revision is a cumbersome, then no matter how hard you try, you will not be able to write a good article. In addition, I realized from this article that I don’t have to complete the revision all at once. Modifying a little at a time helps me more.
I think revision is a process that we need to do to further develop our essay. It’s supposed to be a very helpful process but sometimes it is confusing. It really depends on the topic and the feedback people give you. I found myself hard to change or bring up new ideas when I’m revising my essay. Because I’ve been planning for this topic and idea for so long, when my essay got disagreements, I often find myself hard to make it better. I got lost in the process in revision.
I think the big takeaway from this article is about how attitudes affect our revision. I didn’t change much of my thoughts towards revision but I think I learn a lot from it. If you always have those defeated feelings when you need to revise your work, it won’t lead to any improving moments. I often get a lot of feedback after my first draft but can’t digest all of that information. I don’t know how to make my essay better because I don’t want to lose my original thoughts. I think I really need readers to help identify if the changes are worth it. After reading the article, I need to hold on to those criticisms and don’t make it a big deal. So that I can have a nice attitude when revising the work.
Revision means to go back to what you write. To improve upon what you have already written. It isn’t about checking for grammar but to check to make sure our idea is clear and organized. Revision is important because there is no perfect first drafts and even after revision there can be parts that can be improved upon.
The main takeaway after reading the article is attitude determines how effective your revision is. If you hold the attitude that revision is “time wasting” or “unnecessary” then it becomes true. Another important takeaway is the process of revision. Mentioned at the end of the article there is a step by step process that helps us further our writing and see the issues. Overall, the article helps further what I know about revision.
Revision is very important to the writing process because it allows you to look at your composition with a better eye. That is after going over your work you will analyze what is right and wrong and then you will eventually improve your handicaps. Revision does not make your writing perfect but it certainly takes care of the elements than can be improved.
One takeaway after reading the article is having a positive attitude towards revision. When you do so, you will be more tolerant to the feedback you receive instead of being upset by it, you will also trust your skills and will understand that your work is not great but you can fix it. I believe this to be true because your initial writing is not as good as your final will be and it needs revision to become better, but in order to become so you need patience and belief.
For me, revision is a key aspect of the writing process. Usually my first drafts are messy and doesn’t flow too well. When I throw ideas on paper, I might miss a few details and I don’t really have time to focus on grammar, so revision is when I go back to fix these problems. It gives us an opportunity to improve upon our writing.
My main takeaway from the reading is to have a positive attitude towards revision. This is important so that you become more open to suggestions and create a bigger room for improvement. If you don’t understand a comment, you can ask them to clarify and you only take what’s useful for your writing. Another big takeaway from the article is to lower your standards for your first draft. I always stress on the introduction and waste a lot of time trying to perfect it before I move on to my body paragraphs. Many times, I forget what I wanted to add in my body paragraphs when I focus too much on my intro.
Revision is the second most important part of my reading process, it allows me to go back to what I had written, and organized my sentence structure. The first drafts of all of my writing pieces were horrible because I simply just put down my thoughts on pieces of paper with simple vocabularies and easy sentences. Revision gives me an opportunity to replace those words and sentences with more academic terms. However, I do think that if I do revision too many times, the writing piece will not be better, but worse
The biggest takeaway from this article is the attitude toward revision if we revise only for revision, but not make our writing pieces better, then, the revision will not make lots of improvements. Also, we should not revise our writing pieces right after we finished. The right way to do it is that leave it alone for a couple of hours, or even a day or two, so that we can have a fresh mind, and brings up some new ideas.
Revision is a very important aspect of writing, it helps a writer to review their work and to better understand their topic that they are writing. A lot of the times my first piece of writing would include a lot of grammar mistakes and sentences that does not make sense, so going back looking at my work does help me find the mistake I made and fix it.
Few of of the main takeaway from the article would be how the author said that we already interested in revision since when we are typing and trying to fix a typo that is also consider revision, I never had thought of it that way and I can’t agree more now on what the author said. It does deepen my understanding on the topic since I only thought of revision as going back to fix a hw or assignment. Another main takeaway would be to revision after sometime not right after you finish what your writing. It does make a lot of sense if you went back revision right away you will not make much progress since that was the idea you wanted to write, but after a sometime you would have a fresh mind and you might bring in more ideas into your writing.