Here is the lesson schedule for the week of April 12th. If you have any questions about the schedule or the lesson content, please leave a comment below so that all of your classmates can also have access to the information.
- First, read my feedback from your homework assignment. (see below)
- Next, read the directions for submitting and posting Draft 1. (Due: Friday, 4/16)
- Complete the peer review assignment. (Due: Tuesday, 4/20)
Homework Feedback: Scorsese on Marvel
First of all, thank you to everyone who completed the assignment. You’ve all raised some valid points and have left your readers with something worth thinking about. Here are a few other things that you might also consider:
- What is the purpose of a Marvel film? Do you think that these films claim or strive to be “cinema” in the sense that Mr. Scorsese is using this word?
- Who are the intended audience for these films and what do you think this group of people expects from a Marvel movie?
- In terms of language, what does he mean by “cinema”? Obviously, Marvel movies are movies; and therefore, can be considered cinema, but I’m not sure that Mr. Scorsese is using this word in its literal sense. Again, how might his past experience as a filmmaker alter the meaning of this word?
Major Assignment #2 Draft 1: Detailed Outline (Due: Friday, 4/16)
For this assignment, I have asked that you complete a detailed outline of your essay using this guide to help you along. Your outline should give your readers a very clear idea about the content of your essay and the way in which you will organize it. Your readers should be able to:
- Clearly understand the problem or debate surrounding your topic
- Clearly understand your thesis and easily connect it to the problem/debate
- Clearly understand your sub-arguments and connect them to your thesis
Please complete your draft in a Google Doc and post it in your personal folder on the shared drive. Please make the title of your document Name-MA2-D1 (Example: John Smith-MA2-D1). I will leave you feedback in your Google Doc. Please also follow the posting directions below to post your draft to the course website so your group members can complete the peer review task.
- Click on My Sites and click Writing 2150t: Spring 2021 to enter the site.
- Hover your cursor over the “+ New” and select Post.
- Write your post (or copy and paste it from your another document) and give your post the title: Name Outline (Example: Derek Outline).
- Select the “Outline” category along the right side and uncheck any other categories.
- Please also be sure to preview the formatting of your post before you press publish so that your group members can easily read your work. If you simply copy and past from Google Docs, the formatting will be very sloppy and difficult to read.
- Publish your post.
Draft 1: Peer Review (Due: Tuesday, 4/20)
For this peer review, I am asking you to read each of your group members’ outlines on the course website. You can find them under the Unit 4 >> Outline tab. Read each outline and take notes about the content. Pay specific attention to the debate/problem, thesis, and sub-arguments. Then, use your notes to write and post summary feedback for your group members. Your feedback should:
- Address in detail something that you think is clearly explained in the outline. In other words, what has the author done well so far?
- Address in detail something that you think is not clearly explained in the outline. In other words, what is not working so well at this point? Suggest a way that the author might be able to improve upon this.
- Post your feedback as a comment on each group members’ Outline page on the course website.
Please focus only on the clarity of ideas. Do not focus on grammar, vocabulary, sentence structure, etc. I will handle the lower order concerns. Please also give your group members detailed feedback. Points will be deducted from your final essay grade if you leave vague feedback that does not satisfy the points above.
If you have any questions about this assignment, please post a comment below.