Chapbook poem idea

My first thought for the chapbook was that I would do a shape poem, where I could make the words into boxes that would get smaller, but then I was struck by inspiration and I started writing this:

I will remember you in the starstruck night

When I see your carefully controlled motions

That is the cage, that is the shed you’ve

Hidden in;

Tongues are worthless currency, all the words

are in the action—reaction can get you

inside a box with solemn voices warning

So you



Back / Your hands up / Your child closer

And you brace

It definitely needs a lot more work but this is the general gist of what I was thinking. If we all end up writing two poems, I want to explore a different syntactical method that incorporates our theme.

About Joanne


26. October 2016 by Joanne
Categories: Project Check In | 2 comments

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