Image of three books: Hungry Ghosts, Lucy, and Erzulie's Skirt

Survey of Caribbean Literature

Welcome to Survey of Caribbean Literature in English!

This course charts the development of Caribbean literature in English and emphasizes its formal and thematic aspects. Special attention is given to the influence of Caribbean geography and Caribbean history on its literature. Themes include anti-imperialism and nationalism, globalization, migration and exile, the treatment of race, the treatment of women, class systems and carnivalesque subversions.

In this class you will develop close reading, analytical, and writing skills through class discussions and informal writing assignments that promote an awareness of the cultural and historical factors of each of the texts. You will engage in a variety of communication-intensive activities, both oral and written, designed to enhance your appreciation of Caribbean literature and your awareness of the way it shapes and reflects a multicultural world. The semester will culminate in a public-facing podcast project that demonstrates your understanding of the themes and topics covered in the course.

This course website is designed to share your understanding of the course content in a public-facing manner. You will be required to share three different blog posts throughout the course of the semester and respond to peer posts as well. We will also share links to the podcasts you create here at the end of the semester.

My name is Dr. Salois (she/her) and I look forward to working with you all this semester and seeing the ways in which you engage with the course materials.

For visitors to this page, please click on the icon of the three lines at the top of this page to find student blog posts based on Caribbean Literature they have engaged with this semester.