Quad Roller

Quad Roller

Essentially this product is a spinoff of the traditional foam roller. Foam rollers are important for Flexibility training as they provide a unique contribution to muscular flexibility. When rolling the quad muscles, the position of the lumber spine in concavity can be compromising – especially to those with lower back pain. This product is designed to allow people to perform foam rolling or self-myofascial technique to their quads without compromising their lower back. To do so, there are a few components to this product. The foam roller with an axel running through it which is attached to the disks. The disks are attached to elastic bands which in turn are connected to the base. The base goes under the hamstring (between the leg and the chair), and the elastic pulls the foam roller and the base closer to each other providing enough pressure to benefit from the foam roller.

The video can be seen here Video link