Author's posts

Quad Roller

Quad Roller Essentially this product is a spinoff of the traditional foam roller. Foam rollers are important for Flexibility training as they provide a unique contribution to muscular flexibility. When rolling the quad muscles, the position of the lumber spine in concavity can be compromising – especially to those with lower back pain. This product …

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Assignment 2

When I presented my idea to my dad (who’s problem I attempted to solve), I discovered that he did not actually experience the problem. I realized that I had observed the problem because it was something that bothered me, not something that bothered him. It can be very easy to project a problem instead of …

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Lego Brick Tinkercard build


As a child I would spend hours on end playing with Legos. I would imitate designs that I had seen in the real world. It was my way of expressing myself.


The article titled “What is innovation? 15 experts share their innovation definition” exposes the idea that the definition of the word “innovation” is quite arbitrary. After reading through all 15 definitions, I was drawn most towards the Definition of Kevin McFarthing. According to McFarthing, innovation is “introduction of new products and services that add value …

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Hello world!

Thank you for using Blogs@Baruch! This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start publishing. You are using a new WordPress theme that places widgets such as “Recent Posts,” “Recent Comments” and “Archives” in the footer, leaving you maximum space for publishing in this central area. If you prefer to have widgets on …

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