Is it “bullying” a way to create juvinile criminals?

Addressing the problem of juvinile bullying

This is from U.S. Department of Justice – Office of Justice Programs – Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention. It talks about bullying can create criminals and criminal activities. It stats in schools, when bigger kids pray on the little or weak ones. Bullying can be expressed in 3 forms: Physical, verbal, and psychological. Bullying takes place more in males than females. It usually starts in emelentary grades, and persists in high school. In the United States, the NICHD (National Institute of Child Health Development) reported that 1.6 million children in 6-10 grades are bullied at least once a week, and 1.7 million children are the bullies. Some efects of bullism for the bullies it is hard to make social adjustments and unable to make friends. For the victims is the humiliations, lost of self essteem, and insecurity. These issues can continue until adulthood for the victims. Victims can suffer from depression or have mental health issues such as schizophrenia, and suicide.

Bullying behavior is linked to antisocial behavior such as vandalism, fighting, use of drugs, shoplifting, vandalism, etc.

Professor Dan Olweus in Norway and Sweden suggests: ” bullying can lead to criminal behavior later in life: 60 percent of males who were bullies in grades 6 through 9 were convicted of at least one crime as adults, compared with 23 percent of males who did not bully; 35 to 40 percent of these former bullies had three or more convictions by age 24, compared with 10 percent of those who did not bully.”

SO, What causes kids to bully?. It is said that starts at HOME with the PARENTS. Bullies usually are physical abused at home, or see any type of violence within family members, or they don’t have any attention or love from their parents. So they need to take their stress to others.

why do some children become bullies?


Maria Leon

About ml086070

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3 Responses to Is it “bullying” a way to create juvinile criminals?

  1. iv119056 says:

    Different forms of bullying have been excerise since colonial to modern times. During the colonial period African were bullied their way into slavery. The superior vs inferior concept was the bullying form and sufficient reasons for the white men to take control. Bullying between genders has been historically proclaimed in which men are always the dominant ones. Alot of calls are consently made to police stations claiming that men are physically, verbally and mentally abusing their wives. Now the media has surface the issue of bullying between childrens and adults. Bullying is known to be a form of dominance which raises the question of – where does the need of power come from? Each individual has their own reasons and desire to have power. For example when a husband dominants his wife- what are his reasons? The husband is most likely selfish and wants everything his way. Now when bullying between children occur, one may ask themselves- what is it that bully wants or is looking for?
    I agree with the fact that bullying can lead to criminal acts, both the bully and the person that is being bullying. A criminal with a history of bullying has only escalated their habit through violence. Voilence becomes their normal reaction to something they don’t like or stress about. Children who are bullied usually feel like an outcast to a particular group. In most cases, childrens are bullied because they may have a different style or because they appear weaker. Bullying can psychologically leave an impact in children and adults. That impact can affect them in a negative way and can sadly lead to suicide. The media has helpfully brought attention to bullying which emphasizes how it can negatively affect people. Through the media people are becoming more conscious of the different forms of bullying. One may not realize that they are bullying a person. With all the recent media attention, bullying can be decrease but can it be stop?

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