Mandatory Post #3

How has my experience at Baruch lived up to my expectations? I expected it to be different than all my prior education experiences, and it was! How did my Baruch experience not live up to my expectations? While I didn’t expect Baruch to be a 24/7 party, like other schools, I expected some fun activities on campus. I’m going to say it right now, Baruch is kind of boring. Then again, what CUNY school is not? How Baruch exceeded my expectations? Easy! I expected the workload to be tremendous, but not as big as it really was. My professors love to work me, especially my English professor.

My first semester at Baruch went okay, but I definitely could have done better. I’m expecting around a 2.6-2.7 GPA. My goal is 3.0. Not a good start, but it is still pretty early. My father has always said “There are 9 innings in a baseball game, not 1!”

If I could re-do my first semester, I would’ve studied more in HIS 1005 and MTH 2003. I screwed those up big time. I ws so good in history in high school, but my laziness got the best for me. I was a good math student up until high school. I slowed down in high school, but I still pulled a 780 on the math section of my SAT. But MTH 2003 killed me. I’m pretty worried about the final (because of the stupid 50% rule). I should have gone to SACC more often.

I’ve changed in many different ways since the start of my first semester at Baruch. I’ve learned college is serious, and not do-whatever-you-want-to-do land, which was high school. I am going to study very seriously next semester.

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Mandatory Post #2

The question, “Who do you think you are?”, is a question that really questions the person who is being asked it. When I am asked it, I ask why does this person want to know what I think about myself. I’d rather have the him/her tell me what (s)he thinks about me than tell him/her what I think about myself. Well, anyways, I think I am person who is worthy of your friendship, your trust, and your respect. I am worthy of your friendship because I believe I am easy to get along with. I am worthy of your trust because I am someone who is always willing to help somebody when they are having trouble. And I am worthy of your respect because I treat other people with respect.

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Mandatory Post #1

Who do I think I am? I think I am a Baruch student who has a bright future ahead of him. I know I will do great during my career at Baruch. I also think I am somebody who can help a classmate when they are having trouble.

My top three concerns at Baruch are procrastination, laziness, and fitting inĀ  with my classmates. I used to procrastinate in high school and it lead to me getting stressed out. I need to kick that habit during my time at Baruch. Laziness is also another thing that needs to go. Laziness leads to poor grades, something I do not want. Another top concern for me at Baruch is fitting in with my classmates. In high school, I didn’t like most of classmates, so I didn’t fit in. Hopefully at Baruch, I fit right in.

So far, my experience at Baruch has differed tremendously from my high school experience. I have way more freedom here than at Forest Hills High School. No more raising your hand to go to the bathroom. I can actually use my phone in between classes, and I don’t have to eat food that is made from God-knows-what. The biggest difference is the breaks between classes. I used to have four minutes to push my way through the narrow halls of Forest Hills High School. At Baruch, I have atleast 25 minutes. In fact, on Thursdays, I have a four hour break between two of my classes.

My first year at Baruch will change me in the sense that it will adjust me to college life. I will get used to studying and writing long papers instead of fooling around, like I did in high school.

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