Timeless Time -Laura Kersaint- Paultre

This week’s topic of Time was supplemented through the reading by Judy Wajcman in Pressed for Time. My critical media analysis was on Chapter two. The key term I choose was Timeless Time. This term is first introduced in the text by Manuel Castell a Spanish sociologist who’s work mainly focuses on communication and globalization. Castell describes it as “the social practice that aims at negating sequence to install ourselves in perennial simultaneity and simultaneous ubiquity”. In simpler terms and in regards to the digital world. Timeless Time are the effects of real-time communication and transactions that are instantaneous, and how that affects the way the world around us functions. Time itself is a construct that is being reconstructed mainly now through the immersion of technology in our everyday lives. In this case a linear clock view on time is being substituted for a heavily network oriented digitally driven concept of time. Further in the passage Timeless Time is grouped in with terms such as “instantaneous time, time-space compression, chronoscopic time, pointillist time, or network time” to reflect the prevalence of this phenomena, and are in most cases interchangeable.

The following video is a short clip from Portlandia, a satirical show about Portland, Oregon and modern day life in general.(0:00-1:02)


In this clip, we see Fred Armison struggling to keep up technologically. He feels he has to respond to e-mails, Facebook chat and also keep up with the funniest memes. I choose this piece of digital media because I think it illustrates what can happen with the phenomena of Timeless Time on a more basic scale. To keep on top of things is already difficult, in this increasingly high-speed society it is even harder. There is virtually no rest time in the digital world because, every if not all of the interactions are instantaneous and therefore quicker paced than the physical world.

A term coined for the shifts in financial market, Timeless Time it is widespread today and becoming especially relevant in the digital world as technology makes it easier to communicate worldwide and at the drop of a hat. Just as the financial market had to re-evaluate how they conduct business I think we deserve an adjustment period as well, and soon we may just run on Twitter time.