Millennial is the name given to the generation born between 1982 and 2004. The millennial generation is roughly 77 million people and is a dominant force in par with the baby boomers. This generation is most connected to social media and most connected to the most up to date technology in our digital world today. Sometimes we are called the “FOUNDERS OF SOCIAL MEDIA MOVEMENT”. For example social media like snapchat, twitter, instagram, linkedin, facebook, tumblr and the list goes on. These apps or social media platforms almost define the millennial generation as the most tech savy generation. In my opinion this image shows that millennial out use every other generation in every social media platform. What does that mean?

That means millennials are getting lazier and lazier with all these conveniences and distractions. We are becoming a generation that spends more time watching netflix and waiting for notifications on facebook than in doing anything productive. Millennials are sometimes called the lazy generation because we no longer have to do the heavy lifting or the thinking. For example 50-60 years ago people had to go to the library to get information but today we have the internet. People use to have beepers to communicate but today we got facebook, skype and iphones. People use to have cassette tapes to watch movies or record videos but today we have laptops and dvrs to do all that for us. Even though many may view us as the lazy generation I believe we are much needed in the marketplace today. In today’s job market people want millennial that have the most exposure to the social media platforms that generate the most revenue. Conglomerate companies want to understand how to drive more traffic using instagram and facebook ads, or how to get more customer engagement through twitter or snapchat.

The pro is millennial have enough exposure to social media and to all things tech that companies and the marketplace needs our skillsets and talent in the marketplace. The con is that we are becoming lazier and more complacent with the growing distractions that deviate us from our tasks.