Profiling-Hadeer Yousef

Here is the link for my video presentation,

Definition: “Profiling is the practice of attempting to understand a person or group based on general characteristics or on past behaviors”(LoveToKnowCorp). So this means if someone has a specific picture/idea about people of a specific gender or race, he/she will have the same picture/idea about the whole race/gender.
An example of profiling is the video below. This video went viral. A boy videotaped the employees in a store while they were watching him. This boy was being watched by the employees because they thought he was going to shoplift something from the store because he is black. This is a type of profiling which is called racial profiling. They judged the boy based on his race. The picture that they have in their head, about black people, is that they shoplift and that is why when they saw him they assumed he might shoplift something. Knowing the meaning of profiling is important because it happens all the time and everywhere in the united states. People should know that they shouldn’t make generalizations about a race or gender. People are different from each other even if they’re from the same race, ethnicity or gender.If someone is bad, it doesn’t mean that the whole race, ethnicity or gender is bad. Not only does random people do this, but even some police officers profile people based on their race. If they come across a specific race, let’s say Black, they think of them as suspects even though they might be innocent. According to Joselit, “Profiling in police work, where persons who belong to particular groups-be they organized by their ethnicity, age, economic status or gender are believed to be more likely to commit a crime and consequently are more frequently treated as criminals.” “Profiling imposes a profile on populations of data (including visual data)” (Joselit 87).
