Current Teaching
COM 2000: Introduction to Communication Studies (introduction to the discipline of communication studies)
COM 3069: Intercultural Communication (influence of cultural factors on communication in interpersonal, public, and organizational contexts)Â
Past Teaching
COM 2000H: Introduction to Communication Studies (Honors Contract: enriched COM 2000 to provide student in the Baruch College Honors Program the opportunity of an honors experience)
COM 3076: International Communication (internationalization of media and communication, related technological, economic, political, cultural, social, and linguistic processes)
COM 3078: Group Communication (theory and practice of small-group communication)
COM 3080: Virtual Teamwork (theory and practice of synchronous and asynchronous online team communication)
COM 4901: Conflict Resolution (conflict resolution in interpersonal, intergroup, intercultural, and international communication—capstone for communication studies minors)
COM 4902: International Business and Organizational Communication (application of intercultural theory and practice to business and organizational contexts—capstone for communication studies minors)
COM 8191: Spoken English for International Students (intensive instruction in oral communication for international MBA students)
COM 9656/IBS9756: International Business Communication (factors related to successful business communication across cultures and nations)
COM 9991: MA Thesis in Corporate Communication
ENG 0112: Written ESL (intensive instruction in written communication for academic success)
FRO 1000: Freshman Seminar (introduction to undergraduate studies at Baruch College)
SPE 0008: Spoken ESL (intensive instruction in the sound system, intonation, and rhythm of English)