Discussion Topics for The Epic of Gilgamesh for Wednesday 2/10

  • How would you characterize Ishtar? What does she want from Gilgamesh and what tactics does she use to get what she wants?
  • What is the purpose of Enkidu’s string of curses in Tablet VII? Why, especially, does he curse Shamhat? For what does he blame her? (VII. 58-86 [pp129-30])
  • Is Enkidu’s death ordained by the gods? Why him and not Gilgamesh?
  • How, specifically, does Enkidu’s death affect Gilgamesh? What are the physical and emotional markers of Gilgamesh’s grief for the death of his companion?
  • In what ways are water and bodies of water significant in the narrative? What do they symbolize? Give specific examples.
  • As always, come up with 1 or 2 questions of your own, or passages you’d like to read aloud and discuss.