Discussion Topics for the Qur’an

  • The Muslim faith prescribes 5 articles of faith, or “pillars” of Islam: 1) daily prayer, 2) charity, 3) fasting, 4) pilgrimage, and 5) profession of faith. Where do you find examples of or injunctions to these acts in the selections you read?
  • Who is the speaker? What is the speaker’s purpose? Who is his audience?a
  • The Qur’an retells several episodes from both the Hebrew Bible and the Christian Gospels. What facts differ in the Islamic telling and how do this differences change the emphasis?
  • It what ways does the Qur’an proclaim a new “covenant” with the “People of the Book”?
  • Why do you think the Qur’an emphasizes both the singular (unitarian) nature of God and the humanity of Jesus?
  • Come up with one additional questions from your reading to pose to the class.