One Love, One Handkerchief

One of the most significant key factors in the play is the handkerchief. It was given by Othello to his wife, Desdemona, in order to leave her with a symbol with his great love to her. This handkerchief has tremendous effect later on in the play. Iago is using his wife, in order to steal that token from Othello, and later on ‘plant’ it within Cassio, another part of his master plan of incriminating him with sleeping with Othello’s wife, Desdemona. Emilia is confessing her bad deeds –

 I am glad I have found this napkin.
This was her first remembrance from the Moor.
My wayward husband hath a hundred times
Wooed me to steal it. But she so loves the token
(For he conjured her she should ever keep it)
That she reserves it evermore about her
To kiss and talk to. I’ll have the work ta’en out
And give ‘t Iago. What he will do with it
Heaven knows, not I.
I nothing but to please his fantasy. (AIII SIII, 334-343)

I find this a great example to see how Iago is a mastermind, once again, manipulating everything and turning around what’s needed for his benefit. He is actually so good at it, that he doesn’t even need to commit the things himself, therefore reserving a huge advantage of looking innocent, while being the brain behind this whole plan.

Even though Emilia states that she is unsure about her husband’s plan, the fact she is stealing this love symbol from Othello’s wife, cannot be in good context. It shows how mch influence Iago has over her, and reflects on how he manage to manipulate the people who are close to him for his favor.

Furthermore, the handkerchief is one of the major instruments in this play, reflecting Othello’s love to Desdemona. When it is taken from her, the play is turning around showing us that Othello and Desdemona do have a crisis in their love, and are facing problems in their relationship. Later on, when Othello is finally confronting Desdemona, the first things he is asking for is to see the handkerchief. This proves us once again its significance signifying the love between them in the actually ‘money time’ (when their love and relationship are put on a test)




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