The Tale of King Yunan and the Sage Duban & The Tale of the Husband and the Parrot

The tale of King Yunan and the Sage Duban

The tale is about a King who has leprosy, but no physicians were able to cure him. None of the medicine and ointment were effective. Until one day, Sage Duban introduced himself to the King and promised to cure him. The smart Sage Duban prepared the mallet and ball filled with medicine, and asked King Yunan to hit the ball with mallet. This activity cured King Yunan’s leprosy. The king rewarded and honored the sage nicely. One of the king’s envious vizier was jealous and felt unsecure about his status. The vizier tried to persuade the king that the sage was actually his enemy. The king saw through the vizier’s intention and refused to believe him. King Yunan doesn’t want to do anything that he will regret afterward. The lesson being taught in this tale is to be firm and clear of your own mind, so you will not be fooled by others easily. No matter what the vizier tried to persuade, the king knew for fact that the sage did save cure him and saved his life. If the king were to believe the envious vizier and let him affect his heart of gratefulness for Sage, he would regret harming Sage Duban one day.


The Tale of the Husband and the Parrot

In this story, a jealous man bought a parrot home when he went on a journey without his wife. The parrot reports everything about the wife to the man. The man found out that his wife has a lover, he then confronted his wife and left the house for a day. When he comes back home, he asked the parrot what has happened, the parrot reports it was unable to see and hear about the wife because of the thunder and lightning. In fact, the thunder and lightning was planned by the wife. The maids tricked the parrot in to seeing thunder and lightning by using stones, steel mirror and water. The man thought the parrot is not telling the truth because there was no thunder in this summertime. He killed he parrot. Then he heard the ugly truth about his wife from the neighbors. He regret being tricked by his wife to kill his loyal parrot. The lesson being taught in this story is never let the first piece of information determine your action and decision. Find out more about the truth before taking any actions. Otherwise, you will regret your rash decision.

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