Assignment for Week of September 26th – Sophocles, Oedipus the King (Staged Reading)

1. Attend a staged reading of Sophocles’ Oedipus the King.
Choose one of the 8 performances listed below. Performances will last approximately one hour and will include a question and answer session with the director.

Mon, Sept. 26, 2016 @ 10:00am & 12:30pm *(these performances will be at Engleman Recital Hall – VC B2 )

Tue, Sept. 27, 2016 @ 2:45pm & 6:05pm *(these performances will be at Engleman Recital Hall – VC B2 )

Wed, Sept. 28, 2016 @ 10:45am & 3:00pm *(these performances will be at Engleman Recital Hall – VC B2)

Thurs, Sept. 29, 2016 @ 10:00am & 12:45pm **(these performances will be at Mason Hall – 17 Lex)

2. No later than 5pm on Monday, October 3rd, post a review of the performance to the blog. Your review should be approx. 350 words and should discuss both your understanding of Sophocles’ play AND your reaction to the performance you saw.

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