Hedda Gabler- Nan Jiang

A picture paints a thousand words.  The film really helps me to better understand the play. due to the unfamiliar historical Victorian culture background and the 19-century language which caused lot difficulties for me to understand the whole play.   The author, Henrik Ibsen, loves writing female as the main character in his play.  This film directed by Alex Segal with Ingrid Bergman’s excellent performance indeed build an impression in my mind. Ingrid’s performance demonstrates complete understanding and ownership of the role of Hedda Gabler, so completely that it almost seems that Ibsen had her in mind for this role.  Before watch the film, just by reading the story, I see Hedda Gabler is like a spoiled rich family-grown young lady with a strong arrogant and affected attitude to everyone who are not as rich as she is.  However, from the film, Ingrid Bergman portrays Hedda Gabler as a sensitive, hopeless, and desperate woman. There are several changes that the film made changes to the original text. First, in the film, when Ms. Berta appears, she is burning fire at the fire place, on another side, in the text there is nothing mention about fire.  This change to me is that the film makes trying to put a foreshadowing to the audience. Fire is a very common used element in literature can represent anger, passion, love, pain or death.  Especially this fire is in the beginning of the film which will definitely catch the audience’s attention to predict the future of the play.  Another big change to me that the film made from the text is, when Hedda Gabler holds a rectangle box appears from the bedroom, she tried to walk away as soon as she sees Ms. Tesman in the living room with her husband.  This part the book has no mention too.  However, I love this change of the film, although just a movement by Hedda Gabler, it is a very detailed piece of showing Hedda’s isolation from the family.  Plus, she walks directly to her General father’s photo.

One thought on “Hedda Gabler- Nan Jiang

  1. Very nice attention to the visual details in the film as well as to Bergman’s portrayal of Hedda. I’m glad to see that you noticed Hedda’s sensitivity as well as her less likeable qualities! It’s interesting that you took note of the fire in the opening scene. Now that you’ve read the whole play, you know that Hedda will later throw Lovborg’s manuscript into the fire.

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