Monthly Archives: January 2017

Feng Menglong, “Du Tenth Sinks the Jewel Box in Anger”

Respond to one of the following questions by commenting on this post.  You may also feel free to respond to comments posted by your classmates!

-What’s the connection between the broad historical material about the Ming Dynasty that begins the story and the narrative about Du Tenth and Li Jia’s relationship that follows?

-What kind of person is Li Jia?  Does his behavior at the end of the story come as a surprise?  Why or why not?

-How are courtesans represented in the story?  Why do you think Feng Menglong chooses to depict them this way?

-Money plays a central role in the story.  What does “Du Tenth Sinks the Jewel Box in Anger” seem to be saying about the relationship between money and love?

-Feng Menglong was interested in using literature to teach morality.  What lesson is being imparted by this text?


This will be our class blog for ENG2850 HTRB!  Please get into the habit of checking this site regularly for updates to our syllabus, links to readings, and other announcements!  You are, no doubt, more technologically savvy than I am, but please let me know if you run into any difficulties navigating the site or accessing the materials!  The best way to reach my is by email at  I am looking forward to a fantastic semester!!!

Jennifer Sylvor